Accord 2022
This Corps Mission Strategy Workshop is a historic moment for The Salvation Army. We are coming “Together With One Accord” to agree on what our key beliefs are, and how to reinforce those beliefs. I personally believe that the two [...]
This Corps Mission Strategy Workshop is a historic moment for The Salvation Army. We are coming “Together With One Accord” to agree on what our key beliefs are, and how to reinforce those beliefs. I personally believe that the two [...]
With One Accord: Empowering Together, we envision an Army empowered to develop effective innovative expressions of Salvationism, aligned to our core values and adapted [...]
With One Accord: Equipping The famous American salesman and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said, "If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time." So [...]
With One Accord: Encouraging “Together, we envision an Army encouraged by a common purpose, helping one another to show love and do good fostering a generous [...]
With one Accord: Engaging Together, we envision an Army engaged in the passionate pursuit of Christ, humbly listening to and serving one another, collaboratively working in [...]
With One Accord: Expecting At times, a statement will flash past our eyes that causes us to stop and think. Wayne Cordeiro, senior pastor of New [...]
With One Accord And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. Acts 2:1 KJV We envision [...]