A Refreshing Invitation
Devotional Series
by Major Janet González
John 4:10 “Jesus answered her, “if you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”
During these muggy days of summer, it is refreshing to be offered a glass of cool water after being outside under the sun. It soothes your thirst and restores your senses. The same goes when you enjoy a beautiful sunset in the company of people special to you. Words are shared; even silence is shared as you all delight in savoring the changing colors of the sky and the company of each other. God invites us to refresh our souls in His company.
Think of the last time you enjoyed the company of loved ones and what made it memorable. What marked that time together? The sharing of memories? Laughing about the simplest things? Time of deep conversations, talking about what is pondering inside? Those times are special because you love each other, you trust them, they get you. They know you so well they even complete your sentences. They are familiar with what is in your heart.
GOD GETS YOU! He knows you like no other. He formed you. From your mother’s womb, you were already known to Him. He invites you to deepen your friendship with Him, to delight in Him (Psalm 37:4). When was the last time you enjoyed being with God? I am not talking about attending church but delighting in His company.
God invites you to pursue Him, not religious traditions. The story of the Samaritan woman is well known. It was a memorable encounter for her because Jesus offered her the living water she had longed for all her life. It was an invitation to end her thirst, and she accepted. Jesus wanted her (and us) to share the good and to share the bad.
When sharing good news, he rejoices with us and laughs with us. When sharing the bad, He doesn’t mind hearing what He already knows. He understands how we feel and is eager to hear it from our lips. He comforts us with His presence when our pain leaves us with no words and only tears down our face tell the story. He gets our silence and sorrow when we feel depressed. He gets our fears when we face new challenges. He gets our hurt when we have been disappointed by those close to us. It is during those times together that God infuses grace in us to accept, to forgive, to keep loving as we patiently wait, and to hope. His deep love for us is ever ready to uplift you and me.
It seems many believers explored a deeper fellowship with God during the most difficult months last year. However, now, some are struggling with the social pressure of ‘going back to normalcy’ as if somehow it dictates regulated/limited time with God. But God’s invitation remains. It is an invitation to change the course of our personal faith in a new, fresh way, following what He tells you, not what has always been done or what others say or even argue about these days.
To the Samaritan woman at the well, Jesus’ invitation changed the course of her life from internal emptiness to a life of purpose. To the disciples who questioned Jesus’ interest in talking to that woman, He invited them to change their mindset from the segregation between them and Samaritans to Kingdom thinking. To us, Jesus invites us to sit down and drink from Him – not the circumstances. As we sit down, we quiet down our emotions, open our spiritual ears and gain the strength to go forward. He doesn’t mind our questions. He knows what is in our hearts and patiently waits for our response.
His is a refreshing invitation; no agendas or clichés attached. It is an opportunity to regain the joy and wonderment of our personal relationship with Him. He invites us to celebrate the gift of salvation, of grace, of his daily mercies.
When we do, not only will our senses be restored, but others will notice the difference too. They will be intrigued not by our religious traditions or our political correctness but by our sound mind, our genuine faith.
Hey, it’s muggy outside. Are you thirsty? How about accepting the cup of living water Jesus is offering you today!
Written by Major Janet González, Spiritual Life Development & Holiness, USA East