Paterson Corps Becomes Warming Center
by Hugo Bravo
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) of Paterson, N.J., has helped the city’s Salvation Army corps become a Code Blue Warming Center. A “Code Blue” is declared when the National Weather Service forecasts temperatures of 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower, or when the wind chill factor is 20 degrees or below. These warming centers provide needed shelter for individuals who are experiencing homelessness and are most at risk during life-threatening weather conditions.
“The DHHS was looking for a new warming center spot. The location previously being used was forced to close,” said Lieutenant Joel Monasterio, corps officer of The Salvation Army in Paterson. “When the city came to us, we said we’re here to serve in any way that we can.”
Along with the DHHS, representatives from the mayor’s office and Paterson’s Center for Family Services took a tour of the Paterson Corps Community Center and discussed how to turn the corps into an effective warming center on short notice.
“Our building provided the shelter and the heat. The DHHS brought in extra staff, security, and a crew to clean and organize the space,” said Monasterio.
The Code Blue Warming Center at the corps is open to men, women, and families with children. These families can also meet with a social services director from the city to begin a case to find permanent housing.
“The partnership between the City of Paterson and The Salvation Army has been a vital lifeline for our homeless population during Code Blue activations, ensuring they have a safe, warm place to stay during extreme weather,” says Joel Ramirez, director of the Department of Health and Human Services in Paterson.
“In addition, we will be working to extend the services that The Salvation Army offers to homeless individuals using the Warming Center, helping them access resources that can lead to long-term stability and support.”