These Guardian Angels Wear Badges

by Robert Mitchell

Members of the Ulster County Sheriff’s Department helped brighten the Christmas season this year by providing gifts for The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program in Kingston, N.Y.

Captain Erik Muhs of the Kingston, N.Y., Corps and Ulster County Sheriff Juan Figueroa met at a Hispanic cultural festival in 2023. Figueroa suggested his office could provide Christmas presents, Muhs said. That first year, Figueroa’s department supplied a few presents. This year, the men and women under his command took 15 Angel Tree tags and bought gifts for needy children.

“They fulfilled everything on the list,” Muhs said. “We’re so grateful for the community outpouring, and we’re looking forward to putting as many smiles on as many kids’ faces as possible this Christmas and making their wishes come true.

“We want them to know the reason for the season and that Jesus loves them as much as we do.”

Building bridges

Muhs said his wife, Captain Barri Vazquez-Muhs, called the sheriff’s department in October to make the Angel Tree needs known. Envoy Yvonne Creighton, who is new to the corps, picked up the gifts.

“This holiday program helps to provide Christmas gifts for hundreds of thousands of children throughout the country during the holidays and we are thankful to be a part of it,” the Ulster County Sheriff’s Department wrote on its official Facebook page.

The way the Angel Tree program works is that people and groups sponsor a child “Angel,” often by taking a card off a Christmas tree listing the child’s name and what they want as a present. The gifts can include toys, clothing, shoes, gift cards, and more for children up to age 12.

Muhs said the presents were distributed on Dec. 17. Gifts from the Ulster County Sheriff’s Department were combined with donations collected by the Raymour & Flanigan furniture store in Kingston. The corps’ Angel Tree program helped 40 children in all this year, and 15 adults with developmental disabilities and seniors, for a total of 55.

A festive time

Families picking up toys also received a food box with ham or turkey and other items for a Christmas meal.

Muhs said the corps was also holding a Christmas party for men who volunteer every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health, a residential home across the Hudson River in Red Hook, N.Y., for youth and adults with special needs.

“They are a great group of men who really support the work of The Salvation Army and all we do to serve our community meals,” he said. “Our corps is a busy place this Christmas season.”

For more information about The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program, go to To learn more about The Salvation Army in Kingston, N.Y., visit