You Are a Beloved Child of God
by Matt Hodgson
You aren’t what you do. You aren’t what people say about you. You aren’t what you own.
You are a beloved child of God … a profound truth to reflect on today. Our brief time on earth prompts us to ask, “Who am I?” May I suggest you embrace your identity as a child of God? Otherwise, you risk falling into misconceptions about your identity.
When we forget that we are God’s beloved, we may mistakenly identify ourselves by our actions. This can be particularly challenging for those involved in service-oriented roles, like Salvationists. Our motto emphasizes doing good, which is rooted in our love for God. However, if we equate our worth with our actions, we may become trapped in a cycle where our identity is solely defined by what we do.
I recall attending a retreat where an exercise challenged participants not to mention their jobs during introductions. For many, including myself, this was difficult because we often associate ourselves with our professions. Give it a try today; you’ll see what I mean. But you’re not what you do.
We might also define ourselves by how others perceive us. The desire for affirmation is natural, but it can lead to insecurity. At funerals, we often reflect on how people say kind things about the deceased, prompting us to wish for that same validation while we’re alive. When people say good things about us, we really appreciate it and may be tempted to say that’s who we are. The opposite is also true, where a single negative comment amid a sea of praise, especially in the age of social media, can feel overwhelming. But you are not what people say about you.
Another common pitfall is identifying with our possessions. In our consumer-driven culture, we often tie our self-worth to what we own, whether that’s the car you drive or the home you live in. You may think these items say something about who you are, but you are not what you own.
Hold that thought …
Jesus faced temptations in the desert (Matthew 4), and I believe it may speak to this idea of identity. When the devil asked Him to turn stones into bread, Jesus affirmed that He was not defined by what He could do. When urged to throw Himself off the temple to gain acclaim, He resisted the notion that He was what others said about Him. And when offered all the kingdoms of the world, He rejected the idea that He was defined by material wealth.
Before these temptations, Jesus was baptized by John (Matthew 3), and a voice from heaven proclaimed, “This is my beloved Son; with him I am well pleased.” Don’t you think He carried this proclamation with Him into the desert? Don’t you believe that God says this to you as well? This affirmation of Jesus also applies to us all; we too are God’s beloved children.
He is well pleased with you, and that is enough.
So today, may you embrace your identity as a beloved child of God. May you reject the lies that equate your worth with your actions, others’ opinions, or your possessions. And today, may you hear God’s voice say, “You are my beloved child, with you I am well pleased.” Amen.
Matt Hodgson is a soldier of the Montclair, N.J., Corps, and serves in the Spiritual Life Development Department at THQ.