Record Year for Harrisburg ‘Shoe Strut’ 

by Robert Mitchell 

“Shoe Strut,” an annual fundraiser by The Salvation Army in Harrisburg, Pa., drew a record 723 people this year and raised $186,000 to help finance programs and servicesand put shoes on children’s feet. 

“It was a God thing,” Cindy Minnich, the events coordinator for The Salvation Army Harrisburg Capital City Region, said of the turnout and money raised. 

This was the 13th year of Shoe Strut, which has raised over $1 million since its inception. The proceeds from the glitzy fundraiser go to fund The Salvation Army’s choice shopping food pantry, workforce development, self-sufficiency programming, summer and after-school youth programs, free nutrition and wellness classes, rent assistance, and more. 

It just goes to everything we do,” said Toni Lynn Mark, the resource development director for The Salvation Army Harrisburg Capital City Region. 

The original mission of Shoe Strut was to provide shoes for needy children. Including this year’s Shoe Strut, The Salvation Army has provided 9,000 pairs of shoes for children who need them. This year’s event alone raised enough for 1,400 pairs, which will go in Christmas boxes and be distributed throughout the year. 

“Those 1,400 pairs of shoes really align with the mission of Shoe Strut,” Mark said. “That’s kind of how it all began, to give kids who need it a pair of shoes, but because it’s grown so much, we’re able to give away not only 1,400 pairs of shoes, but then a significant amount of the funding goes to every program we have.” 

Shoe Strut 2024, held Sept. 20 at the Hershey Lodge in Hershey, Pa., featured an hour of networking, lunch, a massive silent auction, live models stationed around the room showcasing fashion trends, a Salvation Army uniform “fashion” station, and a live auction. Attendees also voted on who wore the “best shoes” at each table, with the winners walking in a runway show. 

Mark said the silent auction alone raised just shy of $70,000, and she credited the women’s auxiliary—WIN Women INvolved. 

“They are involved in all aspects, especially the silent auction,” Mark said. “Many WIN members solicit our community’s businesses for silent auction items, which is why the silent auction is so large. 

“They go out and paint the town. They go out and solicit every company. It’s a very successful fundraising event for us and one of the reasons why is we really focus on guest experience.” 

This year, the audience also participated in a Salvation Army trivia game with prizes going to the winners. 

“It’s really interesting for the women in our community, the stage, the lights, the fun, and the networking,” Mark said.  

The Salvation Army has been in Harrisburg since 1885—arriving just five years after the organization landed in America—and helps 55,000 annually through its plethora of programs. Mark said she knew about The Salvation Army and its mission of helping long before she worked there. 

“It is truly a cornerstone of the community here,” she said. “They know we’re here. They know where they can find us. They also know when they come here, they’re going to get help.” 

For more about The Salvation Army Harrisburg Capital City Region, go to: