Captains Jennifer and Michael Buzzard | Berwick, Pa.
Captains Jennifer and Michael Buzzard are Salvation Army pastors in Berwick, Pa., in the Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware Division.
Captain Jennifer Buzzard
Salvation Army officership is a special breed of pastor. Our normal day to day doesn’t look the same as pastors in other denominations. We don’t have normal office hours with dedicated times blocked off to work on our sermons and Bible studies. We don’t have others doing the rest of the work in our building so we can concentrate on our preaching and teaching. Often, we are the cook, custodian, case worker, whatever is needed at any time. We pick up donations, transport people to and from the corps, and lead programs. We are often always on the go, from one thing to the next. And that’s OK. We knew that we wouldn’t be typical pastors when God called us into officership.
Without help, we can work ourselves into burnout just like anyone else can. If you ever want to help out your corps officer and honor them as your pastor, there are two very simple things you can do. Ask what you can do to help. Even the offer of helping can make a person feel seen. The second one is even easier. Remember we’re human too. We may seem like we have it all together, but we go through the same emotions as everyone else. See us as people who need a helping hand, encouragement, and comfort when we hurt and grace when we stumble.
Captain Michael Buzzard
Honoring and helping your officers and pastors is something people may not realize is so vital to officers. We know our people recognize the immense responsibility officers have, but sometimes the pastoral role gets overlooked. With that said there are two very simple ways to honor us as pastors. They are both just two words that mean more than anyone will ever know: “Thank You” and “I’ll Help.”
Officers love ministering through social services, Emergency Disaster Services, and other weekly ministries. However, I think the thing that brings us the most satisfaction and rejuvenation is our pulpit and teaching ministry. In every profession, everyone needs a win. Officership is no different. When someone makes a gesture to show that they are indeed receiving the Word, we see it become alive and motivating—and that brings us renewed energy. When that is partnered with someone who then says, “We see the massive work you put in—let us help,” we feel loved and appreciated. We encourage people to simply say “Thank You” and “I’ll Help.”
“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.” —1 Timothy 5:17
October is Pastor Appreciation Month, and we’d like to thank our Salvation Army officers — pastors — for their faith, their dedication, and the hard work they do for their communities and the Lord.