2024 Social Ministries Conference
by Colonel Richard Munn
The Salvation Army does conferences well, and the USA East Territorial Social Ministries Conference reliably reflects that commitment to excellence. Thus, it is with genuine anticipation that our territory will host this event again, Sept. 15–18, 2024, at the Doubletree Hilton in Lancaster, Pa.
Here the very special community of officers, staff, and volunteers who serve suffering humanity as a first point of contact get to meet, share, and learn from like-minded colleagues. The energy is always palpable and the presentations, acknowledgements, and celebrations notably outstanding.
The wide array of social ministries represented and the sheer human compassion in the room is heartwarming. And yet, this is not just some vague feel-good bonhomie gathering. The highest professional standards, qualifications, and certifications are represented. The combination—compassion and credentials—makes for an inspiring conference community.
SAconnects caught up with respected and longstanding employee Petra Decaille-Poleon, newly appointed territorial social ministries director, to give you, our readers, the story behind the story.
What is the theme or emphasis of the conference this year?
Our Territorial Social Ministries Conferences always aim to integrate vision with mission.
The theme for 2024 is Rediscover, Re-energize, Reconnect, Rejoice. Attendees will be able to participate in workshops including collaboration, skill building, self-care, funding, and data.
It is important to note that the recent pandemic changed the way many view their work, and the way business is conducted. Our officers and staff worked tirelessly to support and serve our communities all the while working through their own trauma. This will be the first kindred session since our communities faced the devastation of COVID. Our Army adapted, and now we are ready to come together again and share, explore, learn, and celebrate.
Who would you recommend attend such an event?
We deliberately aim to reach the broad Salvation Army social ministries community. So, officers, social work practitioners and professionals, local advisory board members, corps soldiers and members, funding professionals, and marketing professionals will all benefit, and are encouraged and welcome to attend.
Cost is being kept to a minimum to encourage attendance from as many social services/ministries employees as possible from around the territory.
Who are the special guest presenters, or what special highlights are you anticipating?
We have a truly outstanding array of presenters and special guests including:
- Rev. Eugene Cho, president and CEO of Bread for the World, as our plenary speaker.
- Blake Lanier, psychotherapist and founder of The Lanier Practice Inc., as plenary speaker and workshop leader.
- Commissioners Debbie and Ted Horwood, IHQ, as plenary speakers and workshop leaders.
What are some goals you would like to see accomplished?
This conference will honor our essential workers, provide opportunities for healing and healthy reflection, and provide a shared space for professional development and networking.
Any final insights or thoughts you would like to share with our readers?
The social ministry our colleagues engage in every day is demanding. So, this conference will also offer a few choices for self-care such as yoga faith, one-on-one spiritual direction sessions, and access to the prayer room led or supported by our Territorial Spiritual Life Development Department. Adult coloring sessions and nature walks will be facilitated by members of the Social Ministries Department. Participants may choose to read, catch up with colleagues, or have some quiet time. We hope these offerings will afford each person time for renewed focus, energy, and spirit.
Thank you, Petra, our prayer is that this conference will once again be a rich and rewarding event for everyone concerned, to the betterment of our territory and the Kingdom of God. You can be sure of this, SAconnects is cheering you on.