Captains Amber and Kyle Maynor | Old Orchard Beach, Maine, Corps

by Colonel Richard Munn

The premier Maine seaside town of Old Orchard Beach, of Salvation Army camp meetings and Pavilion renown, also holds a year-round vibrant corps community of faith. Another town gem, with soldiers involved year-round in local government, school sports, the fire department, and more.

The summer of 2023 witnessed the arrival of new corps officers Captains Amber and Kyle Maynor, with children, Ava, Kenson, Kyran, and Samara. Here was an answer to fervent congregational prayer, a deeply held commitment to youth and children’s ministry.

The Maynor family arrived in New England from a term of service in Ghana, Africa. Talk about culture shock.

Good News! caught up Amber and Kyle recently, for an update as summer sun shifts to fall chill.

How would you summarize your recent experience in Ghana, and the impact on your family?

Ghana opened our eyes to see the beautiful simplicity of life that we had not really experienced before. Many people there lack material wealth, yet they possess such deep joy, love for the Lord, and freedom in their worship. The people of Ghana love to dance and sing to the Lord and it’s magnificent!

What engages you most about serving as corps officers?

We love to do life with people and to walk with them in their faith journey. We are passionate about preaching the Word and living out the Word in our own lives and challenging the corps to be the church that God has called them to be. We need the body of Christ to be healthy to fulfill the mission of the church, and so we want to spur one another on to grow in knowing the Word, living the Word, and sharing the Word.

We want the corps to be a beacon of light in the community, a place of hope and healing. There are many people who do not know the Lord, yet. The church is called to be Christ’s witnesses to the world, this is what truly engages us as corps officers.

How do you stay attuned to the current U.S., social, cultural, and political challenges? 

As we live in the digital age where everything is immediately connected, shared, and discussed, it never feels too difficult for someone or some group to tell us the challenges that we are facing in the U.S. But we know those views come with different perspectives and beliefs that could share the story slightly from what could be happening.

We believe one of the best ways to become attuned to the context is to make sure you never relinquish a childlike worldview, specifically being adventurous and curious.

Our curiosity can then lead us to investigate the full truth behind the challenges. Everyone might remember a time when a child would repeat over and over “why?” and it may have worn out our patience at times. But that eagerness of knowing will bring out the real truths and challenges to our context.

How do you complement each other in ministry?

Well, Kyle says that I am the mouth, and he is the hands. I tell him what to do and he does it. Just kidding!

Often in our ministry, Kyle is the practical one and I am the big picture visionary. Kyle loves to do the finances and ensure that we are good stewards of everything entrusted to our care. I am more of the “people person,” so I talk more and love to do programs and events to get people together.

We work together to implement programs, share the pulpit equally, and strive to ensure we both know what is going on in all areas of ministry.

We really are a team that complements each other.

1 Timothy 5 says pastors are worthy of “double honor.” How has the Old Orchard Beach corps congregation helped you to feel honored and appreciated? 

The Old Orchard Beach corps really is a family that demonstrates God’s love to one another. Even before we arrived, they were constantly praying for us and checking in, learning our children’s names, so that we felt welcomed and loved immediately!

In our brief time here, we have been bombarded with words of affirmation, encouragement, and support. These three things have allowed us to feel deep honor and to feel appreciated in ministry.

Words really do have the power of life or death (Proverbs 18:21) We really are grateful for this beautiful corps family.

Welcome back to the USA, colleagues. Pastors, you are appreciated.