Calling.  Covenant.  Commissioning.

A long-standing, even unique strand of Salvationism is rigorous, persistent candidate recruitment.  Without apology.  Other denominations do not quite have the same laser-specific practice.

At the heart of this energy is the urgency of mission to an ever-present needy, broken world, and a deeply ingrained conviction on the personal calling of God to full-time service. Both Old Testament prophets and New Testament disciples were called.

The written and anecdotal record is consistent, officers reliably attest to a fulfilling, challenging, and noble vocation.

Majors Kim and Shaun Belanger head up the USA East Candidate Department, a beautiful appointment, and intersect daily with prospective and accepted candidates, divisional youth leaders and corps officers, all with the singular purpose to navigate through the application and acceptance process.

‘Central to our thinking is the opportunity to respond,’ says Shaun, the invitation for a public indication that a person has a sense of calling and is interested in pursuing such an avenue.  This will often happen in larger public gatherings such youth councils, family camps, candidate seminars, commissioning, and camp meetings.  Suffice it to say, recent pandemic restrictions on public gatherings have made such opportunities for candidate recruitment significantly more challenging.

And yet, Cadets will still arrive at the College for Officer Training in late August, which leaves enough time for currently interested prospective candidates to begin their applications.  So, get the word out.  Who do you know who might find such a calling?  Do you have a calling?

The worldwide 2023-25 session of cadets will be ‘Champions of the Mission,’ with the theme verse, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.’ (Mark 16:15)

Go for it.  Follow the links below for specific information.

Our mission is looking for some champions.