LIGHT Project Earns Renaissance Award
by Hugo Bravo
The PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) Pittsburgh Renaissance Awards honor the Pittsburgh area’s best public relations, marketing, and communications campaigns and projects. This year, The Salvation Army of Western Pennsylvania and PMI Digital were recognized for their video spot for the Army’s LIGHT Project. LIGHT stands for Leading Individuals Gracefully out of Human Trafficking.
Nicole Harell, director of marketing and public relations for The Salvation Army Western PA Division, says the video—which shows that local homes, businesses, and even health care facilities can be hubs for sex and labor trafficking—was made to raise awareness of how human trafficking affects all communities.
“We wanted people to understand that this isn’t something that only happens in the movies. Human trafficking happens here in our cities and our neighborhoods across the country,” says Nicole. “What’s great about the video is that it can continue to grow beyond our own location and beyond the Salvation Army Eastern Territory. Though at the end of the video you see the Pittsburgh skyline, the spot’s format can be customized to show anywhere in the country.”
Members from both PMI Digital and The Salvation Army in Western PA accepted the award. Nicole says she was also happy to see more local nonprofits and their initiatives take part in the Renaissance Awards this year than in the past.
“The PRSA Renaissance Awards honor the most prestigious communications professionals in Pittsburgh. We were all very excited to be recognized and to receive this award,” she says.
For more information on the LIGHT Project, visit salvationarmywpa.org/lightproject and follow @TheLIGHTProjectWPA on Instagram.